Thieves​ Household Cleaner & Why You Need It

Sep 24, 2019Wellness0 comments

YOU GUYS! I want to let you in on a little known secret…According to EPA, the air inside of our homes are 2-5 (and in some cases up to 100) times MORE polluted than the air outside! In fact, a study published in the Environmental Health Sciences identified 586 chemicals inside their test homes! Um, excuse me? Say what???

There are MANY factors that play into this, but let me just introduce you to a few that are on the list:

  1. Cleaning products
  2. Air fresheners
  3. Beauty and personal care products
  4. Humidifiers

These are things people use on a daily basis and they are some of the main contributors to polluting your precious air. 😱😱


A few reasons why you should care:

First off, your health DUH! Poor indoor air quality could cause or worsen

  1. respiratory problems, asthma, etc
  2. headaches
  3. memory loss, fatigue, and depression
  4. And more!!!

Children and pets are breathing in more toxics and you as they are lower to the ground where the air is less likely to be circulating and allowing chemicals to drop to the ground (if they’re not already there from your flooring) Not to mention in most cases children breath in more air than adults… I could go on and on but I will let you research more if you’re truly interested…don’t want to scare the mamas out there! ❤️



Let’s talk about some ways to reduce the toxins in our home!


  • Get some houseplants, they are known for improving the air by filtering out the chemicals including formaldehyde.

remove shoes inside

  • Leave your shoes at the door to prevent tracking unknown toxins inside + clean floor regularly (I give the girls scrubs and buckets of water and they LOVE cleaning the floor….dont worry I mop too!)

ditch & switch

  • Get rid of your toxic cleaning products, you know all the ones that cause you to put the child lock on the cabinet door?? And replace them with safer alternatives such as; baking soda, vinegar, and of course my absolute favorite, THIEVES HOUSEHOLD CLEANER!

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8 + 2 =

What I love about this cleaner?? First off it comes extremely concentrated, only ONE capful in your bottle of cleaner and the rest is water (I use 2 capfuls in my bathroom spray…got some dirty babies). This bottle lasts us 4-6 months easily, meaning its actually CHEAPER than your other bottles of cleaners

Safe to use around children and pets, effective deep cleaner all without the dangerous chemicals!

This cleaner does it all, from stainless steel to spot cleaning carpet and it smells AMAZING! Here are a few recipes to help switch out your other harsh cleaners!

car wash

  • Add 1/3 cup Thieves Household Cleaner to large bucket of water

spot treatment for stains

  • Mix 1 capful of Thieves HC to 4-6 cups of water in a spray bottle
    Spray on stains (clothes and carpets)

grout cleaner

  • Mix 2 capfuls of Thieves HC with baking soda until pasty
    Let soak then wipe away

wooden furniture cleaner

  • 1 capful Thieves HC with 3/4 c. olive oil and 3 drops Lemon essential oil
    Wipe down wood furniture, cabinets, tabletops

diy hand cleaner

  • 2 oz. spray bottle and 1/4-1/2 capful of Thieves HC
    Fill the rest with water

floor cleaner

  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
    Fill rest of spray bottle with water
    Mist surface and mop.
    Also, can add 1 capful to small bucket of water for heavier floor cleaning

diy foaming hand soap

  • Fill foaming hand soap container 1/4 of the way with Liquid Castille soap
    Add one capful of Thieves HC
    Fill the rest with water

produce soak

  • Dilute cleaner with water in a sink full of water
    Let veggies and fruit soak, rinse well
    Or try Young Living Fruit & Veggie Soak


Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note that I do not take the place of your health care professional and any changes made should be discussed with them first.

Affiliate Disclosure

Please note that some links listed on this page are Amazon or other affiliate links, meaning that I earn a small commission if you purchase through them they help to support crescent and sparrow as well as my family. Please know that I only link products that I love & trust in hopes that you and your loved ones can benefit from or enjoy as well!

Now all this information is reaching you at the perfect time!

if you purchase your first Premium Starter Kit this month, you will also be receiving a FREE 14.4 oz bottle of the aforementioned Thieves Household Cleaner PLUS a glass spray bottle from me!!

The premium starter kit is amazing all in itself, here is a post on what all you can do with those oils! Not to mention…humidifiers were on the list of pollutants, replace that with your new diffuser from the starter kit and diffuse all the air cleansing oils your little heart desires!


This truly is a great opportunity to get started on your DITCHING & SWITCHING journey! After learning about all the chemicals in our cleaning products, I quickly switched over to natural alternatives however, some of the more “natural” brands still contain many of the same chemicals… I not only trust Thieves in my home and around my children, but I love it as well! I wish this could be in every home and that’s my mission! Healthy Families, Healthy Planet, Happy Lives! 

I am also personally offering a crochet wall hanging until the 31st for all of you that enroll under me! And am here for you if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to reach out!

What is the first cleaner you’re going to make with your new Thieves household cleaner?? 

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