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Homemade Beard Oil

Homemade Beard Oil

Jun 2, 2022Beauty0 comments

Hello Friend,


Father’s day is right around the corner and the girls and I are trying our hardest to hide all our father’s day crafts from Shane, my husband, which has gotten more difficult now that he works from home.  But we gladly accept the challenge!
Anyway… if you do happen to have the slightly fuzzier than average man at home, I bet you have heard the term beard oil quite frequently… and if you haven’t…. let me tell you a few good reasons why you would want to incorporate it into your man’s daily routine. Beard oil:
  • Promotes healthy skin (reducing acne, scares, irritation, and more)
  • Reduces dandruff and flaky skin
  • Promotes hair growth as well as softens the facial hair
  • Makes the bead shine
  • Smells amazing
  • Did I mention it softens facial hair?? 

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However similar to other cosmetics, if you’re buying beard oil from the stores you’re going to get a lot more than just pure ingredients and with a lot less quality. So today I want to share with you a healing beard oil to celebrate the hardworking man in your life.  
For the perfect beard oil you want to incorporate these ingredients for maximum benefits! 
  • Cedarwood EO – a great oil to use for inflamed skin (such as acne) and dry, flaky skin and can even be helpful for breathing problems. 
  • Patchouli EO – just a touch of this strong earthy scented EO is all you need to help lock in moisture.  
  • Frankincense EO – helps to reduce wrinkles and age spots as well as great for dry skin. 
  • Jojoba Oil – This oil is similar to human’s natural oil; making it great for your skin & hair as well as making it easily absorbable. 
  • Hemp Oil – keeps hair nice and smooth as well as moisturized, keeps hair from becoming brittle.
  • Olive Oil – rich in antioxidants, olive oil is great for dry skin and nourishes facial hair… I have an abundance of this in my pantry so trying to use some of it up! 
Jars – I am using a 50 mL glass slow pour jar from Infinity Jars for this beard oil. Using glass jars is the best and safest way to store your oils. Compared to amber tinted jars and clear jars, the Infinity Jars were able to keep their contents fresher & less damaged for a longer amount of time.
Labels – Be sure to use labels on your jars, I promise you won’t regret it! I bought this pack from amazon & created my own design to print on that I will be using. See below if you’d like to print your own!


15 mL about 1 tbsp – jojoba oil
4 mL about ¼ tbsp – hemp oil
30 mL about 2 tbsp – olive oil
10 drops cedar wood EO
8 drops frankincense EO
5 drops patchouli EO


  1. Have your mise en place (all ingredients measured out and ready to go) along with your bottle set out ready to be filled.
  2. Pour in oils using a funnel.
  3. Seal lid shut and store in a cool, dry, dark space. 
Be sure to snap a photo & hashtag #crescentandsparrow during or after making this recipe! I would love to know how it turned out for you and your man!
Super simple recipe using good quality ingredients. I hope that your bearded fella loves the new oil & you love the new swoon-worthy scent! Be sure to check out my homemade mustache/beard wax blog post as well for more fun goodies for your man.


Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note that I do not take the place of your health care professional and any changes made should be discussed with them first.

Affiliate Disclosure

Please note that some links listed on this page are Amazon or other affiliate links, meaning that I earn a small commission if you purchase through them they help to support crescent and sparrow as well as my family. Please know that I only link products that I love & trust in hopes that you and your loved ones can benefit from or enjoy as well!

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