Bee Pollen 101: What is it & Should I take it?

Aug 22, 2022Wellness0 comments

Note:: This post was originally published on Om Livin’, my old blog, back in 2014. Some information may not be up to date.

Hello Friend,


Today is going to be very intriguing to the average reader. I am going to start introducing SUPERFOODSMany of you have heard this term before & most likely know at least a few of them, but for those of you that haven’t heard, a superfood is by definition a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. First on our list is…. BEE POLLEN. I usually start taking bee pollen during the spring & fall & I have noticed big changes in my allergies…they’re gone! When I first started, I had read as much as I could about taking it before starting because I had a few questions about it {now I do have to be clear when I state that some claims for it’s health benefits are anecdotal, however being that there is such a large amount of these claims, which has led many scientists & nutritionists to believe the claimed effects of consumption. Maybe one day, the future of humanity will mean more than what lobbyists have to offer}.

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      1. Is it safe while breastfeeding?
        • Yes! Bee pollen is safe {for mother} to consume while breastfeeding. However, do not allow baby to consume due to the possibility of the pollen containing Clostridium botulinum which babies under 1 can not digest & in the rare case that baby is allergic you would want to consult with your allergist before feeding your little one. Rest assured though that baby is getting ALL the nutrients through your breastmilk & isn’t missing out by not taking this.
      2. Does this cause harm or stress to the bees? 
        1. Honey is created by bees, from the nectar they drink, they then regurgitate all the collected nectar at their hive.
        2. Bee Pollen is a collection of pollen from the flowers on the bee’s legs {technically their little hairs on their legs}.
        3. Royal Jelly is what is actually used to feed their young & causes the bees a great amount of stress to collect.
        4. Collecting bee pollen causes no stress or harm to the bees. A non-invasive technique is used to collect the pollen. {unlike royal jelly} Due to the seasons & variation of flowers, you will notice that the pollen is multicolored.
        5. Ok so honey?? Bee pollen?? royal jelly?? what are you talking about?? Let me break it down for you:


Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note that I do not take the place of your health care professional and any changes made should be discussed with them first.

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Please note that some links listed on this page are Amazon or other affiliate links, meaning that I earn a small commission if you purchase through them they help to support crescent and sparrow as well as my family. Please know that I only link products that I love & trust in hopes that you and your loved ones can benefit from or enjoy as well!

What is in it?
    • Bee pollen is packed with vitamins, minerals & proteins! Can you bee more specific please? Oh yes I sure can!! Bee Pollen contains *inhale* A, B, C, D, E, & K vitamins as well as folic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, protein, & amino acids! Bee pollen contains 96 known nutrients & possesses all of the nutrients essential to sustain human life making it a superfood, with a breakdown of 55% carbohydrates, 35% protein, 3% percent vitamins and minerals, 2% fatty acids and 5% other substances. The high protein, amino acid & potassium helps your body’s red blood cells repair themselves naturally! Remember me saying that it’s high in protein…well check this out, bee pollen contains almost twice the amount of protein that’s in beef! AWESOME! This superfood is also has twice as much iron than any other food! {yeay from the anemics!}
Why should I take it?
      1. How do I take it?Before jumping straight into large teaspoons, you need to take is slow. If you are uncertain if you have bee pollen allergies set a tiny pinch of  the granules on your tongue. If you experience runny nose, itchy eyes, nose or throat you could have an allergy and need to consult your allergist before further use. There are those who are seriously allergic & need to take extreme caution before use. However, I wasn’t as cautious & took a pinch a day for three day, then every other day have bumped up my dosage until I reached 1 large teaspoon. If you start to notice any of the symptoms listed above as you increase your dosage, simply decrease & leave it at that for a week or two & slowly work up.
        • When buying, make sure to get the refrigerated pollen.
        • You can mix it with pretty much everything or taken by itself, however it can dry your mouth out so get a chaser nearby. It is most commonly mixed into smoothies or sprinkled over cereal or oatmeal.

Photo by Eva Bronzini:

        • Bee pollen can have many benefits, one in particular is that it can be used as a natural antihistamine. Consuming bee pollen naturally reduces the production of histamine, meaning that your allergies will either disappear completely or will be far more manageable. I can speak for this claim, because it really has helped me. I have no more sniffles any nose problems, it has been amazing!! Most people can experience migraines or headaches with allergies, well take some bee pollen & BAM! headaches gone, take that excedrin!
        • Bee pollen boots your immune system by helping your body make natural antibiotics & reduces bad {LDL} cholesterol levels. Bee pollen also increases longevity by neutralizing free radicals.
        • Helps with the rejuvenation process as well as help clear acne, wrinkles & age spots. {topically & consumption}
        • It helps increase strength, endurance, energy & promotes good blood sugar stabilization. With such large amounts of highly absorbable nutrients, bee pollen is considered a “legal sports enhancer”. It is also good for muscle building & stabilizing your metabolism {which is good for weight control}
        • It’s a sports enhancer & a mood enhancer as well. The vitamins B, D & E are all mood stabilizer, bye bye stress & depression!
        • While we are talking about mood…bee pollen can set the mood ❤… it is a known aphrodisiac {CAUTION: bee pollen also improves fertility in men &&& women}. While helping set the mood, possibly make babies faster, bee pollen also reduces prostate problems for men, by improving it’s health. In fact researchers from the University of Chicago Medical Center reported that doses were given to mice with prostate tumors & tumor growth slowed by 50%!! wow! And is known to stimulate ovarian function.
What do you think? Willing to give it a try? Here is a yummy bee pollen recipe I like! 
Let me know your thoughts, opinions & questions! Thanks for reading! 

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