Astrological Transits and Moon Phases for April 2023 in the Northern Hemisphere

Apr 1, 2023Astrology

Hey Friend,

As the flowers begin to bloom and the days grow longer, the cosmos are also undergoing a transformation this spring. In this post, we’ll explore the astrological transits and moon phases for April 2023 in the Northern Hemisphere.

As a mama and a lover of all things mystical and magical, I always get excited about the opportunities that the stars and planets can bring into our lives. Whether you’re a mother looking to navigate the upcoming retrogrades, a homesteader planning your garden, or just someone seeking a deeper understanding of the universe, this forecast has something for everyone.


So, let’s take a look at what’s happening in the cosmos this month and how it might affect us.


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6 + 15 =

In a hurry? Here's a quick rundown

From the fiery energy of Aries to the practicality of Taurus, April 2023 is a month of contrasts and balance. Here are some of the most important astrological transits and moon phases to keep in mind:


  • Sun in Aries until April 20th: This fiery sign brings boldness and courage to our actions, making it a great time to start new projects and take risks.
  • Full Moon in Libra on April 5th: The sign of balance and harmony brings a focus on relationships and finding equilibrium in our lives.
  • Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries on April 19th: This powerful new moon and eclipse combo brings an opportunity to set intentions and plant seeds for new beginnings.
  • Venus enters Gemini on April 10th: The planet of love and beauty moves into the sign of communication, making it a great time to connect with others and express ourselves.
  • Mercury retrograde in Taurus from April 21st to May 15th: This is a time to slow down and reflect on our values and resources, and avoid making major purchases or signing contracts.
  • Mars squares Chiron on April 27th: This transit can bring up old wounds and trigger feelings of insecurity, but it’s also an opportunity to confront our fears and find healing.


Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note that I do not take the place of your health care professional and any changes made should be discussed with them first.

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First up, the sun is in fiery Aries until the 20th, bringing a burst of energy and enthusiasm to our lives. It’s a great time to start new projects or take bold steps forward – come on mama’s I know you are just filled with goals for spring cleaning and gardening!!

On April 5th, we have a Full Moon in Libra, and if there’s one thing us mamas know how to do, it’s balance. This Full Moon is all about finding harmony in our relationships, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself seeking more connection with loved ones this month.

Speaking of connections, Venus enters Gemini on the 10th, bringing with it a need for variety and diversity in our relationships. As someone who is always looking for ways to spice things up on the homestead, I’m excited to see what new ideas come my way.

In terms of motherhood, Venus trines Pluto on April 11th and can bring up issues of power and control in our relationships with our children or partners. It’s important to find a balance between nurturing and supporting them, while also allowing them to grow and make their own choices.

On April 19th, we’ll have a new moon in Aries and a total solar eclipse, marking a potent time for new beginnings and fresh starts. This is a perfect time to start a new project, plant some seeds in the garden, or simply set intentions for the coming months.

However, with Mercury stationing retrograde on April 21st, we’ll need to be extra careful with our communication and technology for the next few weeks. Double-check emails and avoid signing any important contracts until after May 15th, when Mercury goes direct again.

On April 23rd, Mercury sextiles Mars, which can be a good time to tackle any organizational or planning tasks related to our gardens or homesteads and especially our last few months of homeschool. And with Mars sextiling Uranus on April 29th, we may feel a burst of creativity and innovation when it comes to our home projects, I can’t wait to see what WIP you all will have.

As we move through April, let’s embrace the energy of spring and the transformative power of the astrological transits. As mothers, we are constantly learning and growing, and astrology can be a helpful tool in understanding ourselves and our role in the world. Let’s embrace the magic and beauty of the cosmos, and enjoy the journey together.  Whether we’re tending to our gardens, caring for our families, or simply enjoying the whimsy moments of the natural world, there’s so much to be grateful for as we journey through this month and beyond.
If you liked this post, let me know in the comments and I will be sure to continue them each month. Thank you for reading and until next time, keep dancing to the rhythm of the universe my friend!

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