5 Roller Blends for Emotional Support

Oct 1, 2019Wellness0 comments

One thing that really sealed then deal with essential oils for me was the emotional support it provided. Being a stay/work at home mama seems like the perfect job, and don’t get me wrong, in my opinion it totally is. However that doesn’t go without saying, that just because I love what I do, doesn’t mean that there aren’t a million emotions that arise each and every day. 


Now I am sure a few of you are thinking, how on earth does sniffing a few plant oils help me get over strong emotional feelings?


Well lets break it down real quickly; when we smell scents they are passed through the olfactory bulb, which is part of the brain’s limbic system. This is the area that is closely associated with feelings and memory. This part of our brain has access to the amygdala, processes emotion, and the hippocampus, associated with memory and learning. 


This is why scent is one of the most powerful tools to help with supporting emotional well-being. When we smell scents, they can help take us to a place of serenity and happiness. 


And for this work at home mama, I need all the serenity I can get in a bottle!

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12 + 8 =


  • 1/3 Cedarwood
  • 1/3 Lavender
  • 1/3 Frankincense

find joy

  • 1/2 valor
  • 1/4 stress away
  • 1/4 orange


  •  3/4 Valor
  • 1/4 Lavender

think happy

  • 1/4 White Angelica
  • 1/2 frankincense
  • 1/4 joy
  • 1/4 lemon


  • 1/2 Lavender
  • 1/4 vetiver
  • 1/4 ylang ylang

Let Talk about dilution! I find it always a good idea to dilute my rollers about 1/4 – 1/3 of the way then add my oils in. But I want to make it known that anytime applying EOs to people under the age of 12 needs to ALWAYS be diluted. Below is a chart on the recommended dilutions.

Ages 0 – 1

1/8 EO to 7/8 Carrier oil


For every 1 drop of EO you want to have 7-8 drops of carrier oil

Ages 2 – 6

1/4 EO to 3/4 Carrier oil


For every 1 drop of EO you want to have 3-4 drops of carrier oil

Ages 7 – 11

1/2 EO to 1/2 Carrier oil


For every 1 drop of EO you want to have 1-2 drops of carrier oil

Ages 12+

Full label concentration


Dilute before applying if you have sensitive skin.


Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note that I do not take the place of your health care professional and any changes made should be discussed with them first.

Affiliate Disclosure

Please note that some links listed on this page are Amazon or other affiliate links, meaning that I earn a small commission if you purchase through them they help to support crescent and sparrow as well as my family. Please know that I only link products that I love & trust in hopes that you and your loved ones can benefit from or enjoy as well!

Whatever the reason you are suffering, I truly hope that you are able to free yourself from those feelings and live a peaceful and happy life, my friend! Always reach out to someone if those feelings are too much to handle, people are always there to help in any way they can!

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