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All About Loyalty Rewards

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All About Loyalty Rewards

Oct 8, 2019Wellness0 comments

Ok, let’s talk about one of the greatest things that Young Living has to offer their wholesale buyers!! Are you ready for it? Ok, here we go…

Loyalty Rewards!


YES, friend, you did see the option to sign up when you were in the process of getting your starter kit??

  • You might have signed up not really knowing what it was.
  • or you might have even skipped it all together thinking you would check it out later.

Well, I am here to tell you right now that LR is A M A Z I N G! In fact, being on LR has personally saved me time, money, and earned me tons of free products in return.

Let’s break this down because there is a lot of information at the beginning and I want you to be confident and excited about your decision on whether or not to sign up for it.

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5 + 9 =



Ok so first off, Loyalty Rewards is Young Living’s monthly subscription box, that is 100% customizable every.single.month.

Want to have the same thing every month?
                                Awesome leave it as it is.

Want to venture out and try new products?
                                Awesome, log into your account and add what you want while taking out what you don’t!

Want to change the date your order processes?
                                AWESOME, go in and change it, no additional cost!

Want to cancel your subscription?
                                Well not really awesome, BUT hey they make it a simple process for you to do so!


This is a great option for those that have started ditching and switching the products in their homes for safer, non-toxic options. And if you’re like me, you want to make sure you always have toothpaste, baby wipes, and stress away in your home… I am at ease knowing that not only will I receive the items I need each month, yet at the same time am also SUPER excited to open my box every time to see all the new items I wanted to try, needed to refill, or got for  F R E E.

The only requirement for LR is that you spend a minimum of 50 PV; most PVs are a 1:1 with the dollar (with the exception of a few products). This is where the ditching and switching so well. Imagine the $50 that you’re spending at target or the grocery store for cleaning products, snacks, babies supplies, makeup, etc and just switch it over to YL for the non-toxic alternatives and boom! Easy Peasy.



Hmm, let’s see, where do I start???


Discounted Shipping

Loyalty Rewards members all receive discounted shipping rates as well as can qualify for free shipping on all 100pv purchases.


Monthly Promos

So each month we receive an email from Young Living as well as myself (if you’re on my team) telling you all the promos for that month. The promos are free products for each purchase reaching certain PV criterias; 100PV, 190PV, 250PV, and 300PV…and on special months you will even see a 400PV promo. As you advance to each tier, not only will you receive a new oil or products, but all the promos offered at the tiers below as well. 

Rewards Points

With every LR order, you earn points towards future purchases. The more you order, the more points you receive…which is always in the back of my mind when going for those 300PV promos!

  • Months 1 – 3 receive 10% back
  • Months 4- 24 receive 20% back
  • Months 25+ receive 25% back
So for a 100pv order that’s basically 25pv back!! For a 300pv you can get all the promos mentioned above PLUS 75pv back!! (PV and the dollar are, in most cases, 1:1)

Loyalty Gifts

LR members who place consecutive LR orders each month over 50pv will be rewarded an extra oil on certain month anniversaries :

  • 3rd 5 ml Peppermint Vitality essential oil
  • 6th 5 ml Thieves Vitality essential oil
  • 9th 15 ml Melaleuca Alternifolia essential oil
  • 12th Loyalty; which is a special blend formulated specifically for LR members by YL Founder, Gary Young
  • Then every year anniversary after that you will receive a new loyalty blend created just for lR members
*The loyalty gift oils are available while quantities last. Substitute oils will be sent as replacements in the event that quantities of the specified oils are exhausted.


Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note that I do not take the place of your health care professional and any changes made should be discussed with them first.

Affiliate Disclosure

Please note that some links listed on this page are Amazon or other affiliate links, meaning that I earn a small commission if you purchase through them they help to support crescent and sparrow as well as my family. Please know that I only link products that I love & trust in hopes that you and your loved ones can benefit from or enjoy as well!



The easiest way to enroll is during your initial sign up process; when asked if you’d like to enroll in Loyalty Rewards, check yes. This will then prompt a second question to appear asking if you’d like to use the premium starter kit as your first LR and you want to definitely click yes on this! Because once you do, you’ll qualify for the 100pv which gets you  F R E E   S H I P P I N G.


If you already have an account, log into your account and click on Loyalty Rewards, located on your sidebar on the left. From there, the website will walk you through how to enroll.

This is an easy process and only takes a few minutes.


Young living has supplements, beauty products, skin care lines for both men and women, kid line, baby line, cleaning line, bathroom products and even foods like pancake mix! So after realizing all the benefits you will receive, switching and ditching becomes a lot more amazing! LR is about saving money, while creating a cleaner and healthier environment for you and your family!

If you have any questions about LR or are thinking about joining YL, reach out to me, I would love to answer any and all questions you may have!

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