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Slow Motherhood May Bucket List

Slow Motherhood May Bucket List

May 2, 2024Motherhood0 comments

Welcome back Friend,

Grab yourself a tasty drink and let’s chat – shall we?!

Welcome May!!

For mamas, May can bring much excitement in the home as we being to fill our space with flowers and suddenly develop the need for a total spring cleanse inside and out, windows bring in more light, and the birds are chirping in harmony throughout the day.

Depending on where you live, you might have already been experiencing these beautiful things already, but no doubt you are still experiencing them now, and May will continue to bring beauty and blooms throughout the month.    

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10 + 4 =

The May Bucket List

I’ve created this list of fun activities for you and your littles to check off for this month. These fun, simple activities are meant to help you slow down and really soak in all the joys that motherhood has to offer. Creating these seasonal rhythms and traditions are what makes the years so special as the quickly go by. It’s all about those special memories we are creating!


Don’t forget to take time for you, mama.

You will notice a few of these activities are specifically for just you to enjoy and fill your cup. Although motherhood plays a vital role for us in this stage of life, we need to create a healthy habit of allowing us to have that special time in our adult world; fostering good relationships and pursuing hobbies. 

This is just the beginning

There are so many more ways to enjoy a slower life and I hope that that these 12 will help you on your slow motherhood journey. Like I mentioned above, most of these activities are just for you mama, but there are also a few that can be done with your littles to enjoy that time together such as, baking a treat once a week, reading, handcrafting and artwork, going out in nature (bonus points if you have them bring their nature journals). Again these are all bonding opportunities that will create special memories in the years to come.


How to use the slow motherhood May bucket list printable

  1. Start by printing out the free printable – click the link down below
  2. Sit down and schedule a few items from your list onto the month. Feel free to go slow and add items week by week or be sporadic and add them as you go.
  3. Feel free to frame or hang up somewhere you will see throughout the month for those friendly reminders.
  4. Enjoy living a slower paced life within your motherhood journey.

Download your own Slow Motherhood May Bucket List file here

If you liked this post, be sure to pin it for future reference, share with another mama, and to subscribe for more content like this! Don’t forget to tag me over on instagram @crescentandsparrow if you found joy in one or more of these activities – I love sharing y’alls journey in my stories. Thank you so much for reading & happy May!


Statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please note that I do not take the place of your health care professional and any changes made should be discussed with them first.

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Please note that some links listed on this page are Amazon or other affiliate links, meaning that I earn a small commission if you purchase through them they help to support crescent and sparrow as well as my family. Please know that I only link products that I love & trust in hopes that you and your loved ones can benefit from or enjoy as well!

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